South Tyrol film production image film advertising hotel wedding video

christian lintner

Film making is my passion and I would like to share this joy with you.
Contact me and together we will work out a concept and solution to present your project in the best light.

My biggest passion are moving images. Capturing important things, passing on interesting moments, telling a unique story. Never before the topic film was as interesting like nowadays.
– Christian Lintner –


Short highlight clips for the web, the image film to present your company on the homepage, promote an event with an after-movie to find additional sponsors and to offer your existing partners the right advertising platform.


An event is usually a big effort for the organizers. Finding sponsors and partners is not easy. With an appropriate after movie you can convince them to support your project by offering an advertising platform on the social platforms.


Music is a powerful medium that arouses many emotions. If accompanied by expressive images, a complete work emerges that appeals to many different target groups.


The most beautiful day in life captured and given back in a trailer for family and friends. Review the full movie to experience and remember the best moments over and over again.

Aerial images

flugaufnahmen drohnen

Available for this purpose are authorized and reported drones with ENAC registration certificate which are ideal for amazing pictures and breathtaking video recordings.

Documentary film

An anniversary, a piece of history or a special handcraft skill. I capture it in pictures, work out old material from archives and create an unforgettable story.


You are an athlete or have a product that you want to show to the general public. I create the spot that puts you and your partners in the best light.

360º Panorama